Friday 29 November 2013

7 Good Habits of Highly Successful People

7 Good Habits of Highly Successful People

create-successful-habits-break-bad-habitsSuccessful people are where they are today as a result of their habits.  Your habits determine fully 95% of your behavior.  Everything that you are or that you will ever accomplish will be determined by the quality of the habits that you form. By creating good habits and becoming goal oriented you can become successful and live a prosperous life.

Successful People Maintain 7 Good Habits

Success in human life has been studied by the great thinkers and philosophers for at least 2500 years.  I have personally studied the subject for more than 30 years.  What I have found is that the very best people have good habits .I have identified seven habits that you need to develop if you want to perform at your very maximum in everything you do.

Be Goal Oriented

The first is to become goal oriented. You need to be a habitual goal setter, and dedicate yourself to working from clear, written goals every day of your life.  All highly successful people are intensely goal oriented.. They know exactly what they want, they have it written down, they have written plans to accomplish it, and they both review and work on their plans every single day.

Be Result Oriented

The second habit successful people develop is result orientation.  Result orientation is made up of two practices.  The first is the practice of continuously so that you become better at what you do.  The second practice is that of time management, which means setting very clear priorities on what you do and then concentrating single-mindedly on the most valuable use of your time.  All really successful people are intensely result oriented.

Be Action Oriented

The third major habit you need to develop is that of action orientation.  This is really the most important habit for material success.  It is the ability to get on with the job and get it done fast.  It is your ability to develop and maintain a sense of urgency, a bias for action.  Fast tempo in whatever you do is essential to your success.  You need to overcome procrastination, push aside your fears and launch 100% toward the achievement of your most important goals.  The combination of goal orientation, result orientation and action orientation, in themselves, will virtually assure great success.

Be People Oriented

The fourth habit you need is people orientation.  This is where you put relationships in the center of your life.  This is your decision to cultivate within yourself the habits of patience, kindness, compassion and understanding.  Virtually all of your happiness in life will come from your ability to get along well with other people.
The good news is that you can become a wonderful human being in your relationships with others when you decide to.  And, as Aristotle said, the only way that you can learn any habit is by practicing it on a regular basis.  The more you practice being a truly excellent person in your relationships with others, the more you will internalize those qualities and actually become that person.

Be Health Oriented

The fifth habit Successfull people  develop is health orientation.  This means that you must fastidiously watch your diet, and always eat the right foods in the right proportions.  You must exercise on a regular basis, continually using every muscle and joint of your body to keep it young and fit.  And finally you must have good habits of rest and recreation that will enable you, in combination with diet and exercise, to live to be 80 or 90 years old.  Remember, your health is the most important single thing you have, and it is completely subject to the habits that you develop with regard to the way you live.

Stay Honest, Express 

The sixth habit is that of honesty and integrity.  In the final analysis, the character you develop as you go through life is more important than virtually anything else.  Honesty means that you practice the “reality principle” in everything you do.  You are completely objective with yourself and with the world around you.  You set very clear values for yourself and you organize yourself around your values.  You develop a vision for yourself and then you live your life consistent with your highest ideals.  You never compromise your integrity or peace of mind for anyone or anything.
This attitude of honesty is critical to your enjoying all of the other good habits that you are developing.

Be Self-Disciplined

The seventh habit, and the one habit that guarantees all the others, is that of self-discipline.  Your ability to discipline yourself, to master yourself, to control yourself, is the most important single quality that you can develop as a person.  The habit of self-discipline goes hand in hand with success in every area of life.
Every one of these habits, being goal oriented, result orientated, action orientated, people orientated, health orientated, honesty and self-disciplined can be developed.  You are where you are and what you are today because of your habits.  Your habits have been developing, mostly accidentally, from the time you were an infant.  Today you can take complete control over the shaping of your character and personality, and everything that happens to you in the future, by making the decision, right now, to define and to develop the habits that will lead you to great success.  And when you develop the same good habits possessed by other Successfull people, you must and will enjoy their success as well.  Your future will become unlimited.
Thank you for reading this post on creating good habits and becoming goal oriented. 

To know more about Success and Habits attend exclusive workshop on LIFE SKILLS and bring out hidden potential within you and change your life forever.
Please feel free to contact for registration and any other details on 022-65652022 and8655555111 or mail us at

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Friday 8 November 2013

Lead by Example: Know the Qualities of a Good Leader

For you to break through the success barriers and make a difference in your own life, you must aspire to a leadership role. You must develop the ability to persuade and influence others to work with you to achieve your goals and objectives.
Qualities of a Good Leader
Becoming a leader however requires that you understand the roles and responsibilities of leadership and that you practice the qualities of a good leader until you begin to emerge as a leader in your personal and business life.

In your life, you make critical decisions on a regular basis that determine the course of events for you. Many of the decisions you make have enormous potential consequences. The choice of a course of study in school can determine the direction of your life for many years. The choice of a job or a mate in marriage can be a critical event that determines much of what happens to you in life for several years.
You are always free to choose and have the ability to choose, to take command, to assume a leadership role in your life through several different leadership styles.
In fact, all of your life is the result of the choices and decisions you have made up until this moment. Leaders are those who make better choices and decisions than others, more often than not and chose to lead by example.
3 Different Leadership Styles
The good news about leaders is that they are made, not born. Leaders are largely self-made as the result of continuously working on themselves over the years. No one starts off as a leader, but you can aspire to leadership by learning the qualities of a good leader, and how they think and feel, and then by copying them until you become one yourself.
Position Power
There are three major forms of leadership styles in our society today. The first is “Position” power. Position power refers to the powers of rewarding and punishing that go with a particular title or role.
If you are made a sales manager or vice president of marketing, you have the power to hire and fire people, to raise their pay or leave it where it is. You have the power to hand out privileges or punishment and to alter the terms and conditions of employment to make them more agreeable or less agreeable. But whoever has your title has those powers. They are conferred upon you by the title itself. They go with the position.
Expert Power
The second type of power is “Expert” power. Expert power arises when you are very, very good at what you do and as a result, people defer to your opinion and your judgment. Experts in critical areas for the survival or growth of organizations have tremendous power, even though they may have no staff at all. Their decisions and their judgment carry a tremendous weight.
One of the most important decisions you make during the course of your working life is to develop “Expert Power” in what you do. By becoming very, very good in your area of expertise, you develop power out of all proportion to your position or title. The most respected and valued people in any organization are those who have developed the ability to make the most valuable and most consistent contributions to the business. By becoming excellent at what you do, you set up a force field of energy of magnetism that attracts power and respect to you.
Ascribed Power
The third form of power in organizations is called “Ascribed” power. This is power that is conferred upon you by other people because they like you, trust you, believe in you and want you to have more influence and authority.
Ascribed power is a combination of being very good at what you do, being likable, being results oriented and being perceived as the kind of person who can be the most helpful to others in helping them achieve their individual goals.
The effective leader always begins with the “needs” of the situation. The effective leader always asks, “What does this situation most require of me? What am I most uniquely capable of contributing to this organization? Of all the things that I can bring to this organization, what are the one or two things that I and only I can do that will make a difference?”
We said before that the most common characteristic of leadership, throughout the ages, is that leaders have “vision.” Leaders can see the big picture. Leaders can project forward 3-5 years and imagine clearly where they want to take the organization and what it will look like when they get there.
Leaders have the ability to articulate this vision in such a way that everyone around them can see and understand where they are going. The leader is the person who has the ability to articulate an exciting vision of a compelling future that everyone wants to be a part of.
Perhaps the most compelling vision that you can articulate for the people around you is the decision and determination to “be the best” at whatever you do.
Lead by Example and Make a Difference
One of the most important qualities of a good leader is for you to lead by example, to be a role model, to be the kind of person that everyone else looks up to and wants to be like. One of the characteristics of leaders is that they carry themselves at all times, even when no one is watching, as if everyone was watching.

Thank you for reading this article on the qualities of a good leader and how to lead by example in order to make a difference. 
To know more about Leadership Skills. Attend exclusive workshop onLEADERSHIP & COMMUNICATION SKILLS and bring a change in your life forever.
Please feel free to contact for registration and any other details on 022-65652022 and 8655555111 or mail us at

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